I've always wanted to do an Instagram post. I have finally gotten round to it! This is more of a description of why I haven't posted in the past couple of months and how my last semester of uni has been. Now I'm finished for the year, I'll hopefully have much more time to post and keep up to date. These pictures are more for the last month or so - exam season. I have plenty of photos from Florida to upload too. Today is going to be very productive it seems.
1. I went out for my friend Ellie's birthday last night. It was super lovely and I got to wear one of the new lipsticks I bought yesterday. Pictured is the Maxfactor Colour Elixir Giant Pen Stick in Passionate Red. If I'm honest - I love it! Review to come.
2. Fun played UEA just a few weeks ago and - i'm not going to lie - it was pretty damn good. I love the LCR as a venue. It's pretty small. If you get on the steps around the stage you have a seriously good view and it takes less than 10 minutes for me to walk home. Next year it will not be so quick but it's still quicker than popping up to London!
3. I'm home for just a few days whilst my flatmates are finishing their exams. I was finished as of Thursday and it feels fantastic. I finally got to chill with my Boo (my cat is called Boo) for the first time in a month and a half. She just can't stay away when I'm reading a book. She never looks at cameras and she is in this photo - my mind is blown.
4. As I said EXAMS. This was about half of the notes I had for my organic chemistry exam (see picture 6). I think that if I piled all my notes from all 3 exams (which were 70% of my grade in my cores. Erghhh!) they would probably be as high as the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Okay - that is an exaggeration but my God I did a lot of work. I just hope I've done enough to get a good grade. I'd rather not just get onto the second year thanks.
5. As posted last year, I got a massive ELF haul when it was 50% off. This is one of the lipsticks above that I bought at the time and hated. Both of my flatmates wear quite dark lipsticks whilst I go bright but recently they have inspired me to go a tad darker with my lip colours and now this lipstick is a staple in my make up bag (well for the moment). It doesn't look that dark in the photo above - but it's more of a dark vintage pinky mauve and super strange. It looks much better layered under a gloss than on it's own. I'm not a matte lipstick kinda girl.
6. And yes, I'm back to exams. This is my mechanism for the synthesis of Prozac - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! I think I lost a few carbons or gained a few somewhere but I was more concerned with getting the conversions correct. Like I said, exams took over my life but now they are over with and I can breathe until July time when I assume I'll get my results back and I'll know if I need a resit - I hope I don't!
So that's my (month?) in Instagram. I'm hoping to do these weekly from now on! We'll see how that turns out.
Oh, did I mention I'm getting to see QI being filmed on Tuesday. I bet you are jealous!
Rachael xoxo
p.s. don't forget to follow me on instagram: rachaelwowzie
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