Monday 19 August 2013

Instagram update #6

scrabble/hastings beach/i'm on a masters!/i am katniss/new top/ice cream/the doctor/official monopoly winner/black cherry party

1. On holiday I ended up playing a few board games. I do love a good board game. I am not the scrabble master but I am tempted to make 'Jeantici' into a new cocktail. It needs to be blue....

2. This is just a shot of Hastings Beach. It looked so lovely at 9am. Yes, I was up and out of the caravan at 9am.

3. I am officially on my Chemistry Masters degree. That's right, an MCHEM! As I got over 70% (okay, I got 75%), I was asked if I wanted to upgrade to the 4 year course. Obviously I said yes! I remember my teachers asking me what courses at university I was applying for and when I said 'Masters in Chemistry' to all of them, they all were shocked and commented along the lines of 'that's a bit ambitious isn't it?' and 'why not english?'. One of my chemistry teachers even said to me that he would happily have me in his class the next year because he was convinced I wouldn't get in anywhere. Well I have proved them wrong haven't I? Sure, I might end up dropping back down to the BSc if I feel the MChem isn't for me or I don't get the grades but at least I can say, for just a little while, I was on a masters program.

4. I did a little bit of Archery at Bodiam Castle last week. I am no Katniss Everdeen, I can tell you that. I sent this photo to Amber and she texted back 'YOU FOUND PEETA'. Oh, I wish. 

5. After a whole two weeks without shopping once (I know!) I finally made it up to Lakeside. I picked up a few bits and pieces in Primark and Topshop but my fave item is this gorgeously tacky top from Primark. It was only £7 and I think is now my favourite item in my wardrobe. I wore it to the pub quiz last night and we came 4th or something. We did good.

6. Here is my cheeky dipped ice cream. Soft ice cream covered in chocolate? Yes please! The workout regime started today - just saying.

7. I spotted the Tardis hiding in an alley in Hastings high street. I knew the doctor would come back for me!

8. Yes, I played Monopoly too. It may have taken endless hours and two days of playing but eventually I won due to my powers of persuasion. I was playing against my nephew and we had hotels on every single bit of property we owned apart from the two lots that we had split. Neither one of us was ever going to give them up so we rolled a dice for the winner. I rolled a 2 and he rolled a 1. An official winner of Monopoly is right here folks.

9. I went to a house party at my friend Lucy's on Saturday night. It was super lovely to see everyone again (and meet lots of people I have never met before and will never see again ever). I decided to bring out a bit of Black Cherry (Revlon lipstick) because I haven't worn it in about a year. I still can't decide if I like it on me or not!

So they are some of my recent Instagrams!

Rachael xoxo

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