Tuesday 10 June 2014

Time flies when you're having fun....

Well, I wouldn't exactly say the past three months have been fun. I looked at my blog for the first time since April today and was astounded/gobsmacked/disgusted/surprised/any other adjective that I hadn't blogged at all. To be fair, my exam season was tremendously long this year. After 10 lab reports, 3 assessments and a course test I still had 5 exams to revise for during April, May and June (and that's just second semester!) However, I am finally free from exams (well I'm revising some physical in case of a resit) and I really want to get back into blogging. The weather is lovely and I'm just so busy right now with driving, work and the other commitments I've somehow made along the way that I feel like I finally have things to talk about.

It's crazy what a bit of good weather will do to a girl.

So now, I'm starting again with this whole blogging malarkey. I'm currently organising certain weekly posts and how I'm going to do outfit posts and what I really want to talk about. My first real post is coming today and I just can't wait to get back into blogging. I have the whole summer ahead of me...what could go wrong?


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